TYPE OF WORKMANSHIP: Sculpture in the round on “American elm” wood
Dimensions: (h) 36 cm x 88 cm x 5,5 cm
<< The thought… a wonderful tool with which to travel well beyond any physical space… ; so that we can try to understand…>>
Discourse on the Opera
A window symbol of an opening on the world… a try to see… a try to make a reflection…
On a table there is a text, a symbol of human culture and its desire to research and understand the meaning of everything…
Near the text hover the three fundamental geometric figures (square, triangle, circle), foundation and symbol of various aspects of knowledge…
Something animates the whole… a human figure emerges from the text, has his eyes wide open in the void, is the expression of thinking… the thought that activity that helps us to go beyond… and that here translates into a flow that spaginando the text, leads the different pages to try to go right to that opening… that view that everyone seeks…