The first time I made a Byzantine icon
It was a purely technical exercise, carried out during my academic studies, and in fact, thinking back about it, I simply tried to “paint it”.
Later on, after completing my studies, I had the opportunity to commission one of them, and in this case before realizing it, as my working habit, I started to do some research and in-depth studies about it.
Believing in art as a way to communicate, I was very fascinated understanding the spiritual depth that is behind this form of art, knowing that it’s impossible to have a message higher and deeper than the one that art can express, except the message of your own faith.
Pope John Paul II himself, in his letter to artists, speaks of an important dialogue between the Church and artists, which has developed over two thousand years of history.
It is very fascinating to understand how a Byzantine icon is not painted but is “written”, because in its true essence and religious origin, we can see that it doesn’t concern at all a technical pictorial execution, but it arises as a real process of prayer.
Given therefore the depth, that there is behind a similar “Scripture”, at the moment, I preferred to realize only some of them as examples, considering it a form of art and especially of faith, to realize only on commission.