TYPE OF WORKMANSHIP: Bas-relief sculpture on okumé wood.
Dimensions: 191 cm x 80 cm (internal bas-relief: 155 cm X 45 cm).
Symbols of the place: Guglia di Raimondello, Matteo Tafuri, grifone, sole, ulivo.
Generic symbols: theater, comedy and tragedy masks.
Introduction to the sculptural work
This wood sculpture was born from the idea of wanting to realize a representation that reflected the soul and historical charm of their country (Soleto).
It wanted to represent a dynamic scene, a space in which everything moves, as animated by something magical… just that something magical that characterizes the same history of this country…
Discourse on the Opera
In this wooden sculpture there is a view of a scene… something is happening… everything is animated…
On the right there is a large olive tree with a twisted trunk with two large and abnormal buds, …attracted by something, I bend towards a certain direction…
At the top on the left there is the imposing Spire of Raimondello… appears curved and attracted to the same direction…
Curvilinear trails as if they were air flows through space and lead exactly to a point on the horizon where the same curved ground seems to be sucked.
A sun with sixteen rays, coat of arms of Soleto, quiet and smiling seems to observe the whole… and it is right there where its vertical meets the plane of the horizon that as if by magic a strange force seems to attract to itself everything around…
At the top the mask of the euphoric and amused comedy enjoys the whole scene, while at the bottom the mask of tragedy taken by terror, escapes the abandonment of what happens.
In an intermediate plane between the opera and the spectator… from behind the curtain curtain, Matteo Tafuri next to one of those four griffins (absent on the fourth floor of the spire…) look at that point on the horizon… where this magical thing is happening…